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Projects Progress Report
Projects Progress Report
To know this report, you should first get familiar with tasks’ progress because the progress of a project is calculated based on its tasks.
Tasks’ progress report
Percent Completed
By defining Initial Estimated Workload for a task and then recording the time on that task in the timesheet section, the percent completed of the task will be calculated by dividing the total actual time by the Initial Estimated Workload.

Planned Percent Completed
The Planned Percent Completed of a task will be calculated if the task has a start date and due date. To calculate the Planned Percent Completed number of passed days from the start day is divided by the whole days this task takes.
Show Progress History Chart
In the project progress report, clicking on the project title will take you to a page that displays the progress of the project tasks. On this page, clicking on the Show Progress History Chart button will show the task progress history.
Task Progress history table
If you have the necessary access, you can edit the task progress history. You can add the Percent Completed to a specific date, or you can edit the Percent Completed or time by selecting the edit option.
Projects’ progress report
The percent completed of a project is calculated by the weighted mean of its tasks, and the Current Estimated Workload of its tasks is their weight. You can find this report in the reports menu, all reports, and Projects & Activities Reports. By clicking on the project’s title, you can see its tasks’ progress.
Enter the percent completed manually.
You can enter the percent completed manually in the edit task section:
In the time tab, tick the enter percent completed manually option.

Progress Chart
A comparative chart is available in the project progress report and the Progress Chart tab, which is accessible by clicking on the project title in the project table. This chart compares the Percent completed with the planned Percent completed and displays the actual and planned progress levels on different days throughout the project.
Percent completed
To calculate the project’s overall Percent completed, a weighted average is taken from the Percent completed of its tasks.
{Task Percent completed} ={Actual Time}/{Current Estimated Workload}
Planned Percent completed
The planned Percent completed is calculated based on the project’s tasks and their weights (initial estimated Workload for each task).
{Planned Percent completed} ={Days Elapsed Since Start Date}/{Task Duration}