Today, employees are facing a daily increase in job duties in the workplace. They spend more time working, which puts too much pressure on them. This pressure is likely to endanger their health and well-being and stress them out. After a while, their efficiency and effectiveness may decrease. If these stresses persist, they may lead to job burnout.
Job burnout is the state of having no energy or enthusiasm because of working too hard which is associated with work-related stress. This disorder can be seen in a variety of occupations. It is associated with stressors, such as too many clients, lack of time, and lack of support or appreciation. Nowadays, one of the principal causes of stress (the main cause of burnout) is high workloads and a shortage of time.
How to prevent job burnout?
To prevent job burnout, first and foremost, we need to discover the causes of it.
The primary cause of job burnout is living under long-term stress. Moorhead and Griffin have categorized the employees’ stressors into organizational and life stressors.

Task demands are stressors associated with the specific job a person performs.
Physical demands are stressors associated with the job’s physical setting, such as the adequacy of temperature and lighting and the physical requirements the job makes on the employee.
Role demands are stressors associated with the role a person is expected to play.
Interpersonal demands are stressors associated with group pressures, leadership, and personality conflicts.
A life change is any meaningful change in a person’s personal or work situation; too many life changes over a short period of time can lead to health problems.
A life trauma is any upheaval in an individual’s life that alters his or her attitudes, emotions, or behaviors.
As I mentioned earlier, Nowadays, one of the principal causes of mental stress is the shortage of time. Notwithstanding what kind of job people have, everyone is dealing with it in some way.
Maybe you have met two people who have the same job. One of them all the time is complaining about high workload pressure and shortage of time while the other one always does tasks on time and even has more efficiency. This phenomenon has attracted the researchers’ attention to time management and the question of what role can time management play in this process.
What is the relationship between time management and burnout?
Mackenzie states that time is the only resource that should be consumed as soon as we access it, and the rate of consumption is second. Sixty seconds per minute and sixty minutes per hour. We cannot manage time. We can only manage ourselves. The amount of given time is not controllable. We can only control how we use it.
Time management is one of the components of management science. Effective time management is taking the advantage of resources and a way to achieve specific goals. Besides, time management includes skills such as personal discipline, targeting, control of interruptions, the way of organizing things, and so on. These skills can eliminate some organizational stressors and reduce their negative impacts.
Time management is about providing useful methods for saving and managing time. Time management leads to more career success. It also improves other aspects of your life.
These methods include setting goals, prioritizing, and following them. How to use time effectively in the form of a formula can be like the formula below:
Time management =The appropriate response to time traps + Regular time planning
Alec Mackenzie reported on some time traps that blocked business people and technologists from achieving their goals:
Telephone interruptions, Inadequate planning, Drop-in visitors, Ineffective delegation, Personal disorganization, Lack of self-discipline, Inability to say no, Procrastination, Meetings, Paperwork, Leaving tasks unfinished, Inadequate staff, Socializing, Confused responsibility and authority, Poor communication, Inadequate controls and progress reports, Incomplete information and so on.
In conclusion, it is believed that many daily pressures can be reduced or eliminated by time management. Time is one of the stressors. Always being busy and rushed is stressful. In today’s business world, time is precious. For this reason, many time management courses are held. Failure to plan increases the number of crises. Each crisis leads to another one and rises the amount of mental stress. Time management can reduce job stress by eliminating organizational stressors.
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Why is time important?
Do you know the beneficial effects of time management on your workplace and your life?