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Edit task
To edit a task, click on the edit icon in the row of each task to modify the following information.
Main Information
The task title is a required field when defining tasks. Enter the name of the task in this section.
The status of each task can be changed to one of the following: not started, started, completed, archived, or canceled. When you change the status of the task to completed, a finish date field will also be added for editing.
Project Title
You can select from existing projects in the organization by clicking on the three dots next to this row, so the task becomes a subset of this project. If you have access, you can also define a new project from this section. This row is not mandatory.
Summary task Title
If you open this modal from the Work Breakdown Structure page of a project, you can select a work package for the task
Task category Title
Some tasks performed in the organization are similar, meaning they can be grouped into a specific category of tasks.
You can select from the existing task categories in the organization by clicking on the three dots next to this row or, if you have the necessary access, define a new task category from this section. To define and edit task categories, refer to the basic definitions.
To select the task team, simply click on the option and choose from the members of the project team (if the task is part of a project), selecting the task team members.
Assigning tasks Based on Skills
In large organizations with many employees, assigning new tasks to individuals can be time-consuming for managers, as multiple people with different skills work in the organization. Such problems led us to add skill-based task assignments to the system.
To assign tasks based on skills, you first need to define the necessary skills for performing tasks in your organization. These skills vary according to your business. For defining skills, refer to the system’s basic definitions. After defining the necessary skills in the organization, it’s time to assign these skills to users. For this purpose, go to user management and edit the user, specifying the individual’s skills in the skills section. To ensure a more accurate assignment of tasks, you can even determine the skill level of the individual. Note that you can also define a new skill in this section; just type the skill name in the skills section.
In the next step, when defining a task and specifying the task team, indicate the required skills for this task and the level of each skill. This way, TaskBrowse will list individuals whose skills match this task best so you can select the most suitable team for the task.
In this section, the free time of users is also displayed to prevent overwhelming individuals with additional workloads.
Initial Estimated Workload
Based on past experiences, estimate how long it will take to complete a task. This time consider the weight of the task in the project, which is important for calculating the percentage of progress.
Current Estimated Workload
The initial estimated Workload is the time initially set for the task, but if the task manager reviews the task and determines that the percentage of progress does not match reality, they can change the estimated time in the edit task section to ensure the progress percentage is calculated accurately. This secondary estimated Workload is referred to as the current estimated Workload in TaskBrowse.
Percent Completed
You can check the box for manual entry of the Percent Completed, which will prevent the system from automatically calculating the progress percentage for the task, and the entered number in this tab will be considered.
Start Date
This is the date when individuals should start working on the task.
Due Date
The due date or deadline is the date by which the task must be completed at the latest. It is the deadline for completing the task.
Cost Category
This option has been provided for tracking human resource costs. First, go to the management and user management section. In the last column, select the user costs option. Then click on the + icon to enter the hourly rate for each individual for a specific time. There are by default two types of costs in the system: Billable and nonbillable. However, in the basic definitions section of the system and cost category, you can define a new cost with a desired coefficient . Next, you should specify the cost category for projects and tasks. Note that the task cost category takes precedence over the project cost type. To specify the cost category of tasks, go to the edit section and the Extra tab. After these steps, when the timesheet is registered for the task, the wage cost will be calculated and displayed in the cost report.
Task Manager
When you define a task, you are appointed as the manager of that task, and as the manager, when you define a task for others, even if you are not part of that task’s team, you will still be able to view and edit that task. In this section, you can change the task manager.
Recurring task
To use this option, after creating a task, click on edit task and activate the recurring task checkbox in the Extra tab. Click on the gear icon to set the recurrence settings.
When you specify the task period, it will be added to the team members’ schedules at the specified hour, and thus it will also be displayed in their work calendar.
In weekly recurrence, if you select a specific day of the week, the task will recur on the selected day. Note that you can choose which days of the week the task will recur. For example, if you decide to hold a specific meeting every other Monday and Wednesday, this can be easily done by selecting a biweekly recurrence and choosing Monday and Wednesday.
If no specific day is selected for the weekly recurrence, the start day will be repeated.
Default Task
If you enable this checkbox for a task, this task will automatically be added for users who are newly defined in the system.
Using the tags field, you can assign various tags to tasks, allowing you to view related reports separately in the data chart section. To add a new tag, simply type your desired title in the appropriate section or click the + button to select from existing tags. The option to edit tags is available in the system’s basic definitions.
In the comments tab, you can share your thoughts about the task with those collaborating with you on it. The option to mention individuals in comments has been added. The ability to mention the task manager in the comments section is available (even if the manager is not a member of the task team). The task manager has the option to pin important comments so they stand out among other comments related to a task(up to 3 comments can be pinned).
In the edit task section and the checklist tab, add the steps of completing a task in the form of a checklist. For example, I might define writing an article for a blog as a task. This task includes a checklist that helps me ensure I do not forget any steps when writing or publishing the article.
Notification of Task Changes
By clicking on the bell icon, choose which changes regarding this task you want to be notified about.