IT teams operate in two types of environments:
Information technology departments in organizations: their customers are other internal organization departments.
Information technology companies: provide products and services based on information technology.

Challenges of IT Companies
- Lack of enough information for decision-making:
Managers should make decisions based on information, not assumptions. IT Managers, like other managers, need timely and appropriate information. For example, they need to know the cost of products and services and the workload of each employee on their team.
- Operations Management:
If managers do not establish appropriate tools and processes to manage current operations, solving daily problems may become complicated. As a result, they do not have enough free time to deal with innovation and organizational changes.
- Time and cost deviations:
Statistics show that the deviation of projects from the initial cost and time is one of the problems of most IT teams. This deviation results from errors in initial estimates, poor project management, or factors beyond control. Incorrectly estimating the time of projects causes inappropriate promises to internal and external customers and causes business managers to make mistakes in decisions.
How does TaskBrowse help IT companies?
TaskBrowse benefits for information technology companies
Project management
Companies can use TaskBrowse to manage new product development projects.
Research has shown that organizations with higher project management skills have fewer deviations from the cost and time of projects. TaskBrowse also helps project management skills training.
Operations Management
Companies can use TaskBrowse to manage marketing and sales operations, product setup for a new customer, systems support contracts and human resource management. Usually, IT companies are small or medium; Therefore, they can also use TaskBrowse to manage other routine and administrative tasks. For instance, purchasing office equipment and supplies, communicating with customers, preparing a new contract, or renewing a previous contract can be defined and tracked as activities in TaskBrowse.
TaskBrowse benefits for information technology departments
Project management
Information technology departments can use TaskBrowse to manage the purchase, training, and installation of ready-made software projects, or design, develop, and a new system installation, computer network modification, installation of new hardware, or process improvement projects. Research has shown that organizations with higher project management skills have fewer deviations from the cost and time of projects. TaskBrowse also helps project management skills training.
Operations Management
Information technology departments can use TaskBrowse to manage service outsourcing operations, develop and support existing software and hardware systems, measure hardware and network handling, and try to reduce maintenance and repair times.