If the real needs of the organization’s employees are not suitably understood, productivity in the organization will be reduced. As all of us know, one of the most important needs of employees is a feeling of justice. Organizational justice refers to fairness and ethical behavior within an organization. The feeling of justice affects the spirit of teamwork as well as the motivation of employees.
The first focus on organizational justice was based upon the equity theory, which holds that workers bring inputs to an organization, such as education, effort, experience, willingness, etc. So for the mentioned inputs, employees expect their managers, fair outcomes, such as pay, treatment, promotions, special awards, organizational recognition, honest feedback, and fair and accurate performance evaluations.
Adams Equity Theory and organizational justice
Adams Equity Theory, developed by John Stacey Adams:
It’s about the balance between the effort an employee puts into their work (input), and the result they get in return (output).

Fair outcomes for organizational justice:
Employees’ job satisfaction is strongly linked to the company’s pay system. The organization should reward people fairly and in accordance with their value to the organization. A fair and equal pay system would encourage job satisfaction. taskbrowse will be with you and make it easy to pay fairly by tracking the time which has been spent on each project by your employees.
We can consider promotions as a tool for increasing employees’ motivation and job satisfaction levels. Unfair promotions create rifts among workers as well as job dissatisfaction. By evaluating staff performance, it is possible to identify employees who deserve recognition, and this enables fair promotion. Get help from taskbrowse.
Special awards
An organization that can link valuable rewards to the behaviors which are needed to succeed is likely to find out that the reward system helps the organization’s effectiveness.
Honest feedback
Managers are usually reluctant to give negative feedback, while research shows that employees like to be aware of even their poor performance. Employees are not as sensitive as you feel. They will appreciate it if your feedback is accurate and honest. Try to give your employees feedback at least once a month, it helps them to feel better at work. Show your employees their engagement is important to you.

Organizational justice and Fair and accurate performance evaluations
A performance appraisal is a regular review of an employee’s job performance. The principal purpose of this process is to recognize and reward powerful employees to motivate them. The information gained from evaluating staff performance can be used in human resource planning, recruitment, staff training, career path determination, salaries, and benefits, and identifying the talents of the staff. Therefore, using a performance appraisal system is necessary for any organization. taskbrowse is a useful performance appraisal system. You can use taskbrowse for free to see how it will make a difference in your organization.
Greenberg defines organizational justice as employees’ perception of the fairness of resource allocation in an organization. People perceive the fairness of organizations by comparing workloads, working time, payment levels, benefits, and so on. Feeling unfair is a source of job dissatisfaction in the organization, which have irreparable consequences.
The job satisfaction definition offered by Locke: job satisfaction is the pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job as achieving or facilitating one’s job values.
Job satisfaction is one of the factors that keep people interested in their careers, so identifying the factors that affect employee job satisfaction is necessary.
Research showed that organizational justice contributes to increasing job satisfaction and commitment.
Suggestions for increasing organizational justice:
- Managers strive to create organizational justice in the allocation of resources and rewards. Using a time-tracking system will be very useful in evaluating the performance of each employee, and with a variety of outputs and reports, it will be easy to create a feeling of justice.
- The salaries paid to employees must be commensurate with the tasks assigned to them.
- Managers and supervisors must provide a complete explanation of what they expect their employees to do. And this is achieved by scheduling and tracking the schedules by managers. taskbrowse enables employees to schedule.